Accellion Kitepoint | Charlie

        Accellion Kitepoint v3                     


  Everyone. Meet Charlie. He’s on the IT team.
Charlie is very excited about the Cloud and the freedom it brings his users.
Charlie looks up to camera.
Charlie draws a Cloud on his device (seen behind him on white screen)


  Now meet Charlene – um, people also call her Charlie. She’s a sales manager and loves the Cloud too.
But when she shares and accesses files using free cloud based services Charlie in IT isn’t too happy.  
Charlene enters frame, smiles to camera  as she sits down and opens her iPad.
She draws a file that sprouts wings and flies to another cloud.
The file with wings flies onto a cloud that features logos of those services.  Charlie draws a frowning emoticon.



Charlie says she needs her freedom to work wherever, whenever she wants.
But Charlie needs to worry about keeping data secure and keeping track of enterprise files even when  users are mobile Which is pretty much all the time.
Charlene mouths the words “I need my freedom to work wherever, whenever I want” along with the VO
Charlie mouths“I need to secure enterprise files even when my users are mobile.”
They eyeball each other guardedly.


  Enter Kitepoint. Help me out, Charlie.

For most organizations, important files are stored on Sharepoint servers, or in enterprise content management systems or on NFS, or CIFs compatible file servers.

IT Charlie looks up, nods and draws a kite on his iPad that animates and flies.
Charlie again draws on his device, sketching servers and files to the right of the Cloud. He writes to the side ‘Sharepoint, ECM, fileservers, NFS’.


   Kitepoint from Accellion connects this Charlie and her mobile device to all of her enterprise content from one point of access. So she’s able to view, edit, and share files in Sharepoint securely with whomever she’d like. And all of that can happen without disturbing Charlie’s world.
She gets her freedom, he gets his security and control.
 Charlie draws an iPad to the left of the screen.
The kite flies and hovers between the iPad and servers. Charlene’s finishes and sends something, the file is swooped up the kite, it’s lassoed in tail, and onto Sharepoint. Charlene can’t contain her happiness. 


  Huzzah! Everyone’s happy.
Kitepoint. Mobilizing Enterprise Content Securely.
 One heart from Charlie’s server world and a heart from the iPad drift together below the kite and join.
Kite flies in and becomes the lock-up.